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The First TrimesterThis is one of the easiest parts of the adoption. Usually there is much more excitement than stress going on as you are finally getting on with your family plan. Here is a list of the things that will occur during this time:
The Second TrimesterThis trimester can feel like the longest one. Now you begin to wait for the agency to find you a baby and every time the phone rings, you hope it’s that call. Here are some suggestions for things to do while waiting:
The Third TrimesterThere are birthparents out there and they really have chosen you. This is great news! Now is the time to develop your relationship with these birthparents and take care of the final nuts and bolts details so you can be ready to bring a child home. Even in the best adoption match, there is usually a bump or two in the adoption road. Prepare to be frazzled! Expect to feel fear that things will not go as planned. These are normal emotions. But don’t let go of the hope and faith that have brought you to this point. Here are some very important steps that will occur during this time: